How many times have you searched for a recipe or dinner ideas and came across an amazing post, only to click it and you are overwhelmed by the ads? How many times did you get so tired of reading a complicated step-by-step recipe that includes an ongoing story about grandma and how her version of this recipe is just a little different?
I can't tell you how many times I have searched for another recipe just to keep from enduring yet another childhood memory prior to locating the recipe in the flood of ads. As I was preparing gameday wings and snacks for a day of football, the idea hit me! A blogless food blog! No stories, easy recipes, nothing fancy ... just good food that is easy to locate the recipe and prepare.

So again, welcome! Those of you, who like myself work a full-time job, a home to keep clean, children to feed, and a list that never ends, welcome! I look forward to sharing and communicating with all of you.

Wishing you yummy dishes,
The Blogless Food Blogger